Monday, March 21, 2011

Mad-About-Music Monday - DJ Digga's Fused for Another

Every other Monday here at Expect Odd Things we've been unveiling new mixes that we've been putting together here at HQ. This mix was originally intended to burn to disc and sent out to friends. However, we have been compiling various styles of music and we'll be distributing the 1st Official Expect Odd Things Mixed Set within the coming months. Until then please enjoy "Fused for Another."

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday Brewsday - Brew's Best 2011

Last spring we wrote a preview highlighting what to expect from the Inaugural 2010 Brew's Best Festival held at Lake Las Vegas, Nevada. We had an overwhelmingly good time last year, so much so that we never got around to producing any sort of follow up to that article. Well in case you were curious what the gathering and the surroundings look like we have your back with coverage from the 2011 Brew's Best Festival.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mad About Music Mondays - DJ Digga's Mix 2.011

Here is the next installment of our presentation of SURFPUNX: The Mixes by our own DJ Digga a.k.a. Es Digga Tee. This time we have a mix that highlights some of what we've been listening to lately at Expect Odd Things Headquarters. Enjoy Mix 2.011!