Today we'll take a closer look at the different series of beers offered at Stone during their Winter Storm, as well as highlight their specialty beers and beers you've probably never even heard of before. You like Belgians? Stone actually has a couple beers to offer you. How about single beers brewed by three world renowned breweries? Stone's gotcha covered there too. I wish to no end that I was able to attend this amazing offering of what I believe to be a beer demigod. However, I'll be huddled at home crying tears of Ruination, as not attending the Winter Storm will clearly ruin my week. So, here is our wrap-up of the 36-plus Stone Brewing Company beers offered up during their 2010 Stone Winter Storm.
First off, Stone will offer (as they almost always do) their year-round offerings available on draft in the Stone World Bistro & Gardens. Stone Pale Ale, Stone Smoked Porter, Stone IPA, Arrogant Bastard Ale, Ruination IPA, Levitation Ale, OAKED Arrogant Bastard, and Sublimely Self-Righteous are available, per the usual.

The next series available is their annual versions of their Old Guardian Barley Wine. The 2004, 2009, and 2010 Barley Wines will be available in addition to the 2008 Old Guardian Aged in Red Wine Barrels. Each of the these beers age and have aged differently and tasting them back to back will allow you to taste the slight differences that bottle-conditioning, recipe variation, and barrel-aging produce.
One of Stone's better regarded series' is their Stone Imperial Russian Stout. It is regularly voted among the top beers in its style. Stone IRS, as they call, will have their 2006, 2007 and 2008 brews available on tap at the Stone World Bistro and Gardens during the 2010 Stone Winter Storm.

Next up is likely the most sought after of all of the Stone beers. Their Vertical Epic series has quickly become a fan favorite, stores shelves being cleared quickly of each years offering. Each beer is meant to be cellared and then sampled along side the last of the series which will be released on December 12, 2012. Each is released one year, one month and one day after the previous years release. The first of the series was 02.02.02. At the 2010 Stone Winter Storm, 06.06.06 VE, 07.07.07 VE, 08.08.08 VE, and the most recent 09.09.09 Vertical Epic Ale will be on tap.
The most recent and last of the series from Stone is their all-new Collaboration series. In what seems to be an odd take on collaborations, Stone choose not to just pair up with some well-known brewery to create an unparalleled beer. No, no. This is Stone we're talking about and they must do everything, bigger and louder. When Stone collaborates, they do it with two others to make a three-headed monster. Each brewery brings what they can. Their special malts, yeasts, unique brewing styles and unique knowledge of the industry and their local distribution markets.

In addition, there are Stone's truly Special Releases. By-and-by Stone loves to call anything other than their year-round releases as special, however as highlighted here, most fit into a larger sub-category of their beers. That said, they do produce truly special and unique beers. Some may be altered takes on Stone favorites or simply one of a kind offerings. Stone Smoked Porter with Chipotle Peppers, and Double Dry-Hopped Stone IPA are some of those.They will also be serving their Cali-Belgique, which is their Stone-spin on a Belgian IPA.

Their final beer available on draft during the Winter Storm also donates 100% of proceeds to charity. This is without a doubt, the RAREST and hardest to find Stone beer ever produced. Back in 2005, while constructing their Stone World Bistro and Gardens, they set up a "Stone Wall" where one could purchase a rock with all monies going to charity. Stone needed several volunteers to assist in the labor intensive task of creating this pillar of their new restaurant and bar. They had a party to celebrate its completion, topped off by their very own beer StoneWall Ale. This is also the highest alcohol content beer ever produced by Stone Brewing Company. It comes in at a 12.8%, this American Barley Wine is nothing to play around with. To this date, very few beyond the attendees of this party have sampled or even been witness to an empty bottle of the stuff. Stone is really providing you a treat with this beer if you do attend the 2010 Stone Winter Storm.
One important thing to remember about this event is that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE BEERS MENTIONED ARE ON TAP AT THE SAME TIME! That feat in itself in absolutely incredible. But, if you think these 36 different beers are too much, then you'd be overwhelmed to find out that they have a bevy of more Stone beers ready and available in 22 ounce bombers, and more kegs ready for those freshly tapped ones as the week wears on. Finally there will be casks available as well, each different. For more information about these 'ready in waiting' beers, click here.
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