Monday, September 14, 2009

Daily Updates ARE BACK!

That's right ladies and gentlemen,

I'm going to be putting forth a larger effort towards my blog in hopes of posting almost daily for your enjoyment, excitement and benefit. I have set aside specific topics that we'll be touching on everyday day of the week (except some Thursdays and most Saturdays.) Here are the sections we hope to be unveiling this week and following up with on subsequent weeks:

MAD ABOUT MUSIC MONDAYS - In this weekly section we'll post a 'new' song for you to hear. It may be from a new artist, an artist you've never heard of or just a song from a popular artist you never knew they performed. Or, if I'm fresh out of cool music to share I may post a new music countdown for you to agree with, completely discount or just try to amend it yourself to your own liking. I hope you enjoy this Monday update.

TUESDAY BREWSDAY - Here we'll feature a different beer from a top-flight craft brewery. More likely than not the beer will carry with it some international beer festival awards, medals and top accolades. Check us out every Tuesday for you to pick up your Brewsday knowledge.

WEBSITE WEDNESDAY - Make sure to check with us every Wednesday for you find out about a wonderful website for you. Some of them will be informative, some may aid your effort to kill time, others maybe so useful that you'll add them to your favorites.

GUEST BLOGGER THURDAY - Yeah, I know. There's no catchy name for today. Oh well. Here I'll feature friends and colleagues and allow them free-reign into whatever topic they wish to address. Beer? Sports? Video Games? Movies? Who knows, check back to see our first guests.

SONGS FROM ALBUMS I DON'T HAVE AROUND ANYMORE FRIDAY - It's a very sad concept, and something that inevitably we all suffer from. We once had this badass album, and it got a lot of wear in our CD player, phonograph, or ghetto Walkman. We misplaced it at some point and now we reminisce about good times past and how those songs used to be a magic experience, when they were still around. So I'll hunt down some tracks from that album on YouTube and elsewhere and allow us to sit back and kick on our 'remember when' shoes.

OPEN SATURDAY - I am not planning any overwhelming plans for Saturdays. More likely than not I will take a day off from posting unless some issue, story, article, or video is twisting my arm to post on Saturday.

STREAMING SUNDAY - Make absolutely sure that you check back on Sundays. I will be either embedding or posting a link to an online streaming movie that is either still in theaters (very often right after opening weekend) or a New Release on DVD. These links are not likely to be active very long so I highly suggest watching them as soon as they are available.

I hope that you enjoy the new weekly topics I wish to touch on. Please come back daily to check out what new feature I have unveiled. Also feel free to provide feedback on how to improve this blog as well providing you with more content that interests you.

Stay tuned and enjoy.


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