No, not for mistletoe and holly, but beer steins and Marzen!
ITS OKTOBERFEST PEOPLE! I know most of you think that Oktoberfest actually falls in October but it falls mostly in the month of September. This year's festival occurs from September 19th until October 4th. (Those in Vegas, there's a cask-keg tapping with Siegfried & Roy at Hofbrauhaus on the 19th.)

So with Oktoberfest comes the brewery companies Oktoberfest beer. Sam Adams has . . . oddly enough Oktoberfest, Gordon Biersch has their year-round Marzen, Flying Dog features Dogtoberfest, and even New Orlean's own Abita beer has Fall Fest.
So as you drink either corporate brands or wonderful craft brew, please make sure that it is appropriate with the celebrations worldwide. Tis the season to celebrate wonderful brew of a crafted nature the world 'round. On top of that, every year craft brew moves into a bigger segment of the market and hopefully edge out Big Beer on yet another SMALL PERCENTAGE of the market.
Maybe someday soon people won't call us "fanboys" and will acknowledge the fact that we are conisseiurs of a finely crafted beverage and not some cheaply produced corporate behemoth that relies on adjuncts, extracts and mass marketing. Nothing can ever top the real thing, especially when it tastes as good as a great Marzen.
(Please make sure to thank your local store for carrying craft brew and ask them to carry a brand you like and they don't have. You have the power to change your world, just try and use it.) - Inspired from a Stone Brewery update of a similar nature.
ITS OKTOBERFEST PEOPLE! I know most of you think that Oktoberfest actually falls in October but it falls mostly in the month of September. This year's festival occurs from September 19th until October 4th. (Those in Vegas, there's a cask-keg tapping with Siegfried & Roy at Hofbrauhaus on the 19th.)
So with Oktoberfest comes the brewery companies Oktoberfest beer. Sam Adams has . . . oddly enough Oktoberfest, Gordon Biersch has their year-round Marzen, Flying Dog features Dogtoberfest, and even New Orlean's own Abita beer has Fall Fest.
So as you drink either corporate brands or wonderful craft brew, please make sure that it is appropriate with the celebrations worldwide. Tis the season to celebrate wonderful brew of a crafted nature the world 'round. On top of that, every year craft brew moves into a bigger segment of the market and hopefully edge out Big Beer on yet another SMALL PERCENTAGE of the market.
Maybe someday soon people won't call us "fanboys" and will acknowledge the fact that we are conisseiurs of a finely crafted beverage and not some cheaply produced corporate behemoth that relies on adjuncts, extracts and mass marketing. Nothing can ever top the real thing, especially when it tastes as good as a great Marzen.
(Please make sure to thank your local store for carrying craft brew and ask them to carry a brand you like and they don't have. You have the power to change your world, just try and use it.) - Inspired from a Stone Brewery update of a similar nature.
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