Monday, November 2, 2009

Mad About Music Monday - Phoenix

The French band Phoenix kicks off the first week in November. Coming out of the same scene in France as Air and Daft Punk did, Phoenix have that similar 'ultra-cool' vibe going on with them. They've released four studio albums, the first "United" in 2000. That album featured the chic dance song 'If I Ever Feel Better'. Their newest album "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix" is being critically acclaimed everywhere.

They've even been featured in a Cadillac commercial. To go along with seemingly every other company on the market, Cadillac took Phoenix's hot new single and used it  for their new commercial. Now you can't get away from hearing '1901' from their "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix" album. Granted it is by far their best single on the album, they did an awesome acoustic remake of the song for a morning radio show in New York City. In the acoustic version you can really hear the whine in vocalist, Thomas Mars' voice.

Today we're featuring their single 'Lisztomania'. In his review of the album Rolling Stone writer Rob Sheffield stated, "If you listen to only one song this year about the inner turmoil of 19th-century classical composer Franz Liszt, make it Phoenix's 'Lisztomania.'" Simply to paraphrase Sheffield's review, "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix" features songs that "spikes the electro beat of Daft Punk with an urgent acoustic-guitar breakdown for splendidly danceable melancholy." So check out today's featured artist Phoenix.

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